C A R G A N D O . . .

Juan Ramón Martín


Juan Ramón Martín - Escultor


Martín investiga diversas técnicas escultóricas, tanto independientes como integradas en arquitectura. Durante sus estudios de arquitectura, se especializó en geometría y racionalismo con profesores como José Manuel López Peláez y Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza, influencias que continúa explorando en su taller. Utiliza dibujos geométricos y técnicas plásticas para diseñar y ejecutar su obra escultórica, empleando palastro, chapa soldada, baños ácidos o salinos para crear pátinas que añaden texturas y colores únicos al metal base.




You can hire any one of us individually, or as a team. No matter the project scope, we can leverage our roster of vetted professionals to assemble the ideal team for every project.

Místicos (escultura)

You can hire any one of us individually, or as a team. No matter the project scope, we can leverage our roster of vetted professionals to assemble the ideal team for every project.

Místicos (escultura)

You can hire any one of us individually, or as a team. No matter the project scope, we can leverage our roster of vetted professionals to assemble the ideal team for every project.

You can hire any one of us individually, or as a team. No matter the project scope, we can leverage our roster of vetted professionals to assemble the ideal team for every project.

Místicos (escultura)

You can hire any one of us individually, or as a team. No matter the project scope, we can leverage our roster of vetted professionals to assemble the ideal team for every project.

04 - services

awards for the best works

Working for almost 10 years, when that presents
a skilled team is dedicated to creating unique and functional designs that enhance the lives of live and work in them.

Tipografía, laberintos y equilibrios - Juan Ramón Martín - Matriz

Hola Interior Studio



Inspired by my work? I would be delighted to help you create your dream interior!
